Wednesday, 31 October 2012

The fire baby

 Ana Feria Santos

the baby is cursed,evil spirits have captured his soul.A new born baby who can barely walk by himself produces fire- his mother claims.
                                                              Is it some kind of publicity stunt or is it really true,how can a child produce fire it really sounds impossible,isn't it?Ana Feria Santos gave birth to her son last month but says her joy quickly turned to fear when she noticed that he had 'several abnormalities' - leading to fears in her community that he is the 'devil in disguise'. She says that the boy can stand up and walk like adults -which is almost impossible for a child of four weeks.
the fire baby
                                                         She  said that he talks like adults and keep hiding himself,like he is scared of something.The other thing that she claimed is that she found the burn marks on his cloths and sofa.
                                                         Either this incident is true or not but it have done one thing for sure which is grabbing the attention of all the media of the world. We will keep you updated regarding it and will also uncover the mystery.

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